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Advaita Vedanta

The Darkside of Provincialism.

In the shadow of provincialism, narrow-minded perspectives thrive, fostering division and ignorance. Understanding its limitations is the first step towards embracing remedial action. Let us illuminate the path towards inclusivity and empathy.

I Am Yours’; You Are Mine

In the tapestry of existence, “I Am Yours; You Are Mine” shines bright,
Guided by equanimity, non-duality, and Advaita Vedanta,
Unity and interconnectedness weave our shared destiny.

Embracing Equanimity: A Journey to True Human Advancement

Through the practice of equanimity, we learn to dance with the rhythms of the subconscious, allowing its creative impulses to guide us towards new horizons of possibility. And in this dance of surrender and trust, we find liberation—the freedom to express our truest selves and to journey ever closer towards the fulfilment of our deepest aspirations.

Intersections of Philosophy and Science

The Upanishads prompted me to reassess my career, prioritizing spiritual fulfilment over material pursuits. Leaving my corporate job, I embraced a path aligned with my values, fostering both professional growth and personal fulfilment.

Embarking on the Sacred Journey: Exploring the Depths of Ashtanga Yoga for Union with the Infinite

In Ashtanga Yoga, practitioners follow Patanjali’s eight limbs, incorporating ethical guidelines (yamas) and personal observances (niyamas). Through physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana), they seek union with the divine and self-realization. This holistic journey fosters inner peace and a deeper understanding of existence.

Finding Peace in a Noisy World: Tools for Selective Hearing

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where noise seems to permeate every corner of our existence, finding moments of peace and quiet can feel like a daunting task. Our senses, while incredibly versatile, often struggle to filter out the cacophony of auditory stimuli that bombard us on a daily basis.

Ten Principal Upanishads: Preface

The teachings of the Upanishads are not confined by time, culture, or geography. Their insights transcend the boundaries of tradition and speak to the universal human experience.

Death: The Quantum Transition

Quantum Connection: Dr. Stuart Hameroff, in collaboration with physicist Sir Roger Penrose, has proposed a radical hypothesis that sheds light on the transition from life to death.

The Quantum Brain

This article examines the convergence of quantum phenomena and consciousness, synthesizing ideas from the fields of philosophy, neurology, and quantum physics.

Unifying Vedanta and Quantum Physics

The interplay between Vedanta and quantum physics has been a subject of profound philosophical and scientific inquiry. This topic not only brings together two seemingly distinct realms of thought but also highlights the potential for cross-disciplinary insights.

What is it that I could do more of?

From a Vedantic perspective, this journey of self-realization aligns with the core principles of Advaita Vedanta, where the individual self is recognized as none other than the ultimate reality, transcending boundaries and limitations.

Unity in Diversity: Panchagni Vidya and Modern Science

The Panchagni Vidya emphasizes the core principle of non-duality, asserting that the individual soul (Atman) and universal reality (Brahman) are fundamentally one. This revelation dismantles the illusion of separation, unveiling the intrinsic unity of all existence.

What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?

Vedanta would suggest that while red flag traits may be present in an individual, they are ultimately a manifestation of the transient and illusory aspects of reality. By looking beyond the surface-level behaviors, one can tap into the unchanging essence that underlies all experiences. This perspective promotes compassion and understanding, allowing us to navigate relationships with a sense of equanimity.

What is Non-Duality?

Non-duality invites us to recognize the wholeness of our being. It points to the completeness and inherent perfection that exists within each moment and within us.

All-Absorbent Meditation

All-Absorbent Meditation is a term from the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of Vedanta. It refers to a practice of meditation that involves focusing the mind on the ultimate reality or truth behind all things and experiencing a state of pure consciousness in which the individual self merges with the Universal Self.

World Happiness Day-2023: A note on spiritual perspective.

When we realize our true nature, we no longer identify with the limited and impermanent aspects of ourselves, and we are no longer bound by the cycle of birth and death. Instead, we experience lasting happiness, peace, and fulfilment, which are not dependent on external circumstances.

Higher Knowledge: Right Understanding.

The Divine is Shapeless ( Divine formless), Birthless, Breathless, Mindless, above everything, outside everything, inside everything. Absolutely Pure, verily even from the Indestructible (Causal), higher than Highest means transcending even the transcendent Ishwara” means beyond the Causal state.

What is Pancha Kosha Theory?

Our true nature is beginning less, endless, non-dual, unbounded, ever free, pure, aware, Supreme Bliss. Due to ignorance known as Maya (Avidya), we pass through cycles of births and deaths

The Essence of IshaVasya Upanishad- Part-2

The Self [ the atman] is everywhere, without a Body, without a shape, whole, pure, unpierced by evils, wise, all knowing, far shining, self depending, all transcending, functions and duties are allotted by HIM alone to the Creator for eternity.

Awareness: The Ultimate Truth

Awareness: IT is That which is Absolute, fills all space, is complete in Itself, to which there is no second and which is continuously present in everything, in every being and everywhere. It is homogeneous in nature. It is known as “Brahman in Vedanta”

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-8C

The Self is free from sin, free from old age, free from death, free from sorrow, and free from hunger and thirst. It is the cause of desire for Truth and for commitment to Truth”

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-8B

When a person is in deep sleep, he is free from all worries. In deep sleep,  mind lies inactive, desires nothing, dreams nothing, and knows nothing. This is his intellectual condition.

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-8A

Within the City of Brahman, which is the Body, there is the Heart, and within the Heart there is a little house. The house has the shape of a Lotus, and within it dwells that which shines by its own light.

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-7C

Only when one becomes full of steadfastness (devotion), then can one be full of faith. Without Steadfastness, no one can have faith.
Only when one is given to Action, then can one be full of Steadfastness. No, without action, one can not have steadfastness.

The Four Great Vedic Statements [ Mahavakyas]

IT is That which is Absolute, fills all space, is complete in Itself, to which there is no second and which is continuously present in everything, in every being and everywhere. It is homogeneous in nature.

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-7B

When man becomes powerful (gains great strength), he rises (gains spiritual power); as he rises, he serves (Karma Yoga). as he serves, he associates with wise (Discipleship), he sees, hears (Sravana), thinks (Manana), knows (Nididhyasana), acts (intense Tapas), and he realizes (Attains Self).

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-7A

He who in Will, worships the Infinite, attains the sphere within reach of Will. He is free to act as he wishes. Such is he who in Will worships the Infinite!

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-6B of 6

In sleep, you get into yourself, you enter yourself, you become yourself, and know nothing but yourself. This is sleep. You have withdrawn yourself from all outside connections and relationships.

Essence of ChAndogya Upanishad: Part-6A of 6

In the beginning, there was “Existence alone”, mere Being, one without a second. Some say there was mere nothing, nothing whatsoever; that everything has come out of nothing.

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