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“Ashtanga Yoga” [ Eight limbs of Yoga]~ Part-2


This part is devoted to the discussion of ” Ashtanga Yoga”   (Patanjali Yoga Sutras):

Target: To make the mind calm, tranquil, and free from disturbances. 

Introduction:  There are six systems of Hindu philosophy:    Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, & Vedanta.

Here we will focus on the yoga system~ “Patanjali Yoga Sutras,” which has its own model of ultimate reality according to yoga philosophy. This has a different viewpoint from Vedanta on ultimate reality.  Yoga tradition is similar to the Samkhya System of Philosophy.  The Great Sage Kapil was the founder of Samkhya philosophy. Samkhya was composed between 500 and 600 BC. According to Samkhya philosophy, the universe is composed of two independent, co-existing realities: purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (matter). When Purusha is bonded to Prakriti, Jiva (a living being) is formed.  Samkhya philosophy is believed to be the oldest philosophy, which is basically a science of liberation. Liberation from the bondage of sufferings.   Samkhya means numbers. Kapila was a great sage. That is why in Bhagavad Gita Ch10-verse-26, Lord Krishna says, ” Amongst trees, I am the peepal tree ^^ ; of the celestial sages, I am Narad. Amongst the Gandharvas, I am Chitrath, and amongst the Siddhas, I am the Sage Kapil.”. It is believed that all branches of Hindu philosophies are derived from Samkhya, including the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Yoga Sutra: What is a Sutra? Vayu Purana defines " sutra" as "a very brief statement, leaving no room for doubt, without repetition, and expressing a comprehensive idea. We need commentary to understand sutras.

*****Yoga sutras are based on practical activities along with theory. The basis of yoga sutras certainly lies in Samkhya philosophy. Samkhya is theoretical, and yoga is practical.  The ultimate goal is liberation (Moksha), which is similar to Advaita Vedanta. Advaita Vedanta is monistic, whereas the Yoga Tradition is dualistic. In my blogs ” What is Joy? ?(published in 3 parts) and ” The Wisdom of Five, I  have discussed the ultimate reality and how to find the path of liberation from the perspective of Advaita Vedanta. The Vedanta is for the person who is competent to understand and study sastras (scriptures), has a tranquil mind, and has the required attributes as described in the Vedanta.  After attainment of certain preliminary qualifications, which are known as the four salvations, one can progress towards knowing Brahman, which is the main goal. In the same manner, yoga sastra is based on controlling the mind by following ethical values, right attitudes, correct postures, breathing exercises, concentration, and meditation. Now I will try to explain what I have understood through intuition after studying both philosophies, along with other research work going on in neurology and an upcoming subject in neurotheology. Advaita Vedanta theory says that you are already free. You already know what you want to become. “Tat tvam asi” is one of the four mahaVakyas. All four mahaVakyas are in the present tense. Neither in the past nor the future. You already possess your real identity, which you have forgotten. Then what is the problem with us? Why don’t we realize who I am? We have forgotten our true selves and suffer because of ignorance alone. According to Advaita Vedanta, we need to remove ignorance, which is termed avidya.

Key words: purusha, prakriti, Avidya, samadhi, Kaivalya

Principal Teachings of Yoga Sutras:

  1.  Human suffering can be removed by eliminating faulty and wrong perceptions of life, because wrong perceptions give rise to endless cravings for the satisfaction of the senses.
  2. The eternal peace we seek is realized by experiencing the truth of our identity, which is obscured by ignorance (Avidya). Identity always exists within us, waiting to be revealed. Once revealed, it is then enlightenment, or self-realization.
  3. Self-realization can be attained by mastering the mind. Only a tranquil mind with one-pointedness can remove the veils of ignorance.
To free the mind from the limitations of ignorance is like a drama that has been repeated since time immemorial. The foundation of this drama is summarized in three basic precepts: 1.Purusha 2. Prakriti 3.Avidya

The Yoga Sutras are also known as Raja Yoga, or Royal Yoga. This system of yoga is universal. Spirituality is a holistic science that is applicable to people of all faiths.  The guidelines are very specific, well designed, logical, and beyond doubt. Through practice, step by step, one can achieve the goal. 

Now we will discuss Samadhi Pada, the first section of four sections of “Patanjali Yoga Sutras”:

We will discuss this here Samadhi Pada sutra 1.1–1.4 

Samadhi Pada: This is the first section, which is an exploration of the different aspects of Samadhi. The first four sutras (1.1–1.4) of this section deal with the definition of yoga as a process of mental purification. The second sutra alone has a vast meaning. If that line is understood and practiced, then the goal will be achieved. This sutra directly points towards the setting of the subconscious mind.  “Yogah chitta Vritti nirodha” means stopping distraction and fluctuation of mind. If the mind is fixed, conflicts will cease. Details about Vrittis are provided in the following sutra.

Sutras 1.5–1.11 teach five types of Vrittis, which will be discussed in the next part (part 3): The five vrittis are as follows: Pramana: cognitive process:  Viparyaya, the process of misconception:  Vikalpa: illusionary and fantasy-prone states: Nidra: state of inertness Smriti, the inner process of memory.

Brief discussion over sutras from 1.1 to 1.4 

1.1 “atha yoganushasanam”: This is the beginning of yoga. 

1.2 “yogashchittavrittinirodhah”: Yoga is for the control of thought waves in the mind.

1.3 “tada drashtuh svaroope avasthanam”: This means that the self is revealed. Then you see only Purusha. During this period, the seer (purusha) rests in his own state. Example: When there is no wave, water is still visible below the surface. Even in the ocean, where it stands still, we can see what lies beneath the sea from the upper surface of it.  Similarly, when mind waves are still and the mind is calm, we can feel our true nature, which is divine. That is our true self.

1.4 “vrittisaroopyam itaratra”: At other times, when Purusha is not in the state of yoga , man remains identified with the thought waves, which are nothing but conflicts in the mind.


So, from the above four sutras, we learn that the human mind can become a very effective tool, and primarily, the mind will become a very helpful friend and guide us in our day-to-day lives. The concepts of purusha and prakriti may be difficult for the time being. As we study more sutras we will know more, and finally, we will have a clear concept of samadhi, or Kaivalya, the ultimate goal. When the mind is in sattvic mode, there is a fine difference between the sattvic mind and purusha. The mind is not the original and primary creative power of consciousness. Our mind stands between a superconscious and conscious state. The mind is the instrument through which we receive inspirations, intuitions, imaginations, and impulsions to knowledge. The same mind creates errors and wrong perceptions about the world. This is the cause of suffering. 

According to ancient Hindu philosophy, it is commonly believed that human life started with grass, shrubs, plants, insects, animals, and higher animals in order. After wandering for millions of years, he attains human life, and then the goal of human life is to find consciousness, which is covered by Maya, known as ignorance or Avidya, whatever we say.

At the end of the evolution of human life, when the intellect called conscience develops in his mind, he becomes curious to know the information of the inner world. Fortunately, one can know the songs of the Vedic religion, or any other similar religion, so that the mystery of creation is gradually captured in his intellect, but even if he knows and understands all these things, it is not possible to attain perfection in this world apart from himself. When all the desires are fulfilled, one then wishes to enter the inner world and becomes thirsty to know “THAT,”  by knowing which everything becomes known.  In this state, one starts to feel unconditional love and devotion. In this state of mind, yoga practice becomes meaningful.

Ihamutrafalbhogabiragah” (Vedantasarah-17):

Sachchidananda (Sat, Chit, and Ananda) is my true nature. Unless a strong desire is developed to realize this nature (Swaroopa), yogi cannot progress. And if anyone goes on the path of yoga, there are chances to get back to their previous state by seeing various worldly materials of enjoyment, sensual enjoyments, etc. that distract them during this journey. In that case, leaving the yoga, Yogi gets attracted and continues the path of enjoyment. If we follow the path correctly, all the obstacles of the four ages will not harm a man. Therefore, one must understand properly and get engaged in the pursuit of Raja Yoga.

In the next part, we will discuss in detail “Ashtanga Yoga,” or the Eight Limbs of Yoga.

Maharshi Patanjali gives a wide range of techniques that slowly control the mind and continuously induce more and more subtle perceptions automatically, as if someone is whispering into your ears. The main part of Ashtanga Yoga is contained within eight fundamental methods, as follows: These will be discussed in detail in my next part, part 3.

1. Yama: social code: restraints. 

2. Niyama, personal code: observations.

3. Asana (sitting pose): physical postures.

4. Pranayama: Control of Prana: Breathing Control.

5. Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses.

6. Dharana: Concentration

7. Dhyana: Meditation.

8. Samadhi: Absorption.      

 ^^ Notes: (In India, the peepal tree known as “asathwa” plant; its scientific name is Ficus religiosa, know n as sacred tree in many regions of the world.)

My sincere request to the esteemed readers is to share their opinions or queries. Any suggestions to make the site attractive will be highly helpful to me.  Readers are requested to read Part 1 to have a continuation of the topic from the beginning. My email ID is : 

Thank you. Regards!  NAMASTE!

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